Welcome to the English Blog for Choc Seven 超克7 (formerly known as 模范七棒 Mo Fan Qi Bang), the 二軍 (Er Jun, 2nd group of artists officially signed to Channel [V] & Gold Typhoon) from 模范棒棒堂 (the hit comedy variety show, Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang, airing on Channel [V]).

超克7 comprises of 阿本 (Ah Ben), 小馬 (Xiao Ma), 小祿 (Xiao Lu), 鮪魚(Wei Yu), 李銓 (Li Quan), 野獸 (Ye Shou) and 毛弟 (Mao Di).

Enjoy your stay! :-)

Contact me via: ciaranne.xcxc@gmail.com

Add me to FaceBook at: www.facebook.com/ciaranneci


  • Sun: Aben Hosts Butterfly, Butterfly, You Were Born So Beautiful, 7pm GTV
  • Mon-Thurs: Choc 7 on MFBBT, 11pm Channel [V]

Friday, June 26, 2009

2009-06-22~26 Choc 7 'Chao Ren Qi' Mini Show

Here are Tudou videos of Choc 7's 'Chao Ren Qi' Mini Show for this week. Unfortunately, I am unable to watch the videos at the moment, but I can post up anybody's summaries if they wish to contribute.

Click On Relevant Date To Watch The Video:
1.) 2009-06-22

2.) 2009-06-23
3.) 2009-06-24
4.) 2009-06-25
5.) 2009-06-26

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