Welcome to the English Blog for Choc Seven 超克7 (formerly known as 模范七棒 Mo Fan Qi Bang), the 二軍 (Er Jun, 2nd group of artists officially signed to Channel [V] & Gold Typhoon) from 模范棒棒堂 (the hit comedy variety show, Mo Fan Bang Bang Tang, airing on Channel [V]).

超克7 comprises of 阿本 (Ah Ben), 小馬 (Xiao Ma), 小祿 (Xiao Lu), 鮪魚(Wei Yu), 李銓 (Li Quan), 野獸 (Ye Shou) and 毛弟 (Mao Di).

Enjoy your stay! :-)

Contact me via: ciaranne.xcxc@gmail.com

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  • Sun: Aben Hosts Butterfly, Butterfly, You Were Born So Beautiful, 7pm GTV
  • Mon-Thurs: Choc 7 on MFBBT, 11pm Channel [V]

Monday, December 15, 2008

2008/12/13 Behind The Scenes at the [V] Power Concert

Aben and WeiYu were the hosts for this Behind The Scenes Special, following the broadcast of the [V] Power Concert.

In MoFanQiBang's interview at the major rehearsal, the group had to draw out a piece of paper, which ordered them to perform a loving action, as the theme of this year's concert is spreading the love for seriously ill children by sharing the love of music. MoFanQiBang was instructed to pick out the person that they loved most nearby and share a wafer biscuit mouth-to-mouth.

Aben encouraged MaoDi to share the biscuit with XiaoLu as he joked that MaoDi loved XiaoLu the most. In the end, MaoDi expressed that he loved AndyGe more, so they all went and crowded around AndyGe.

Aben started chanting 'mouth-to-mouth', which prompted AndyGe to question what kind of game they were playing. After they explained to AndyGe what they had to do, AndyGe hilariously demanded money for his participation.

Afterwards, they interviewed AndyGe as to his opinion on MoFanQiBang's progress at the rehearsal. AndyGe expressed that initially, he noticed that MoFanQiBang wasn't very used to the stage and had some problems with manouevering themselves across the stage. However, AndyGe added that he saw some significant improvement after they solved some problems with their formation. Thus, in a DVD that introduced to everybody who the artists for the concert were, AndyGe introduced MoFanQi Bang as the ultimate teenage boyband!
MoFanQi Bang were obviously flattered and Aben and WeiYu concluded the interview by promising that they will continue to work hard and do their best for the performance.

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